Product Overview
The Corostake – 30” Stake for Coroplast Signage: The perfect blend of h-wire and recycled plastic to give you long lasting sign display.
The Corostake™ is the superior alternative to the traditional 30” metal H-wire frames commonly used today. It features dual wire ground entry points for easy insertion into hard ground and gravel, and two metal posts to support coroplast signage. The body of the Corostake™ is manufactured with fiberglass-reinforced recycled composite giving the stake increased durability and strength. The Corostake™ features rigid crossmembers can be utilized as a step and handle to assist in installation and 5” galvanized wires to secure the substrate and anchor the stake in the ground. Testing has shown that 5” is the ideal length to secure the sign substrate while allowing the substrate to flex slightly in windy conditions. Longer wires have been found to be less effective as they do not allow the substrate to flex which can cause the sign to permanently bend over. As demands for quality signs and intricate graphics continues to grow, use a stake that holds the sign higher, doesn’t rust, has no broken welds, and ultimately is a higher quality, more attractive, purpose-built product. We believe that the sign is only as good as the holder that is used to display it.
Begin by placing the substrate on a flat surface holding it down with one hand. Lay the Stake on the same flat surface and insert the spikes into the flutes, making sure to center the stake and sign.
Next, pick up the assembly and firmly tap the top edge of the substrate on a flat surface using the palm of your hand on the torsion bar for a backstop to finish pushing the spikes the rest of the way in. The tapping action evenly distributes the pressure necessary to fully seat the spikes without requiring excessive force.